News cables wouldn’t work with my Turntable

I had bought new interconnects for my system. They were custom made with vintage Western Electric Wire, high quality RC plugs and had some great reviews. 

The cables worked great with my CD player, but not at all with my Turntable, I’d get a loud hum and buzz. I swapped them out with my older Audioquest directional interconnects and it works great.

I’m running a Pro-Ject Debut Carbon into a Parasound Halo P5 Preamp..

any ideas would be helpful as i really I really like these cables.


Showing 1 response by audiobunker

I am a cable manufacturer. (Bionic Cables)

We do not make a phono cable yet so I am unbiased. lol

What you are hearing is caused be one or more of the following. Lack of a dedicated, balanced shield, potential between ground and shield, or impedance.

Cartridges are transformers and naturally balanced with no common ground.