Newproduction power tubes: Reliablity

There  isa topic going on  concerning power tube issues in his PL amp, 
Some of us have power amps with 4-12 power tubes,,  the higher number of the tubes in a amp means the more demand for  reliability.
The 2 countries making  the most power tubes are china and russsia, So basically we can say this is a Russia vs China shootout.

China has come out with incredible numbers of power tubes, varieties and styles. These are the SET tubes. Russia has a  far superior selection in the push pull category.
IMHO , as i do have a  push pull amp, I favor the russian labs as far as reliability. 
Here is where it counts, As we know, its no fun having a   multiple power tube amp, and hearing 1 or more tubes going bad. 
A  good tech is not cheap, nor so easy to locate.
So in terms of reliability/push pull, I have to side with the russian labs.
The one exception on russian power tube relaibility, is the russian KT150,, its a new tube and we have not yet had long term performance testing. It is  not a tube I am the least bit interested in. 


Showing 2 responses by rodman99999

The Winged =C= (SED) Svetlana plant made some very reliable power tubes.      I hated to see the company fold, when their plant burned down.     Comparing them to my NOS GE and Sylvania 6550 iterations; their presentation was quite acceptable.     Used a couple octets, from Upscale, myself.     Now, unfortunately; most of what’s left are factory seconds.     As for me, if there’s a new sweetheart on the block; it’s the GL KT88, Russki repop.        They yield most of what I got from the NOS valves, in sound, and (over the past couple years) have displayed no reliability issues.
"Much prefer the Svet new 6550’s, the new plant uses the exact same equipemnt as the burned down plant,

NOS Svet 6550 = New Production Svet 6550, exact same tube, "              Wrong!      All New Sensor Corp got from the Svetlana Co was the name.      The St Petersburg plant, where their =C= tubes were manufactured, burned down and took the equipment with it (a shame).       Currently; The New Sensor tubes are actually manufactured at the former Reflektor plant (X-pul factory), in Saratov.       You may have conflated the rumor, concerning Mullard’s equipment, that this page mentions, with SED/Svetlana’s: