Newproduction power tubes: Reliablity

There  isa topic going on  concerning power tube issues in his PL amp, 
Some of us have power amps with 4-12 power tubes,,  the higher number of the tubes in a amp means the more demand for  reliability.
The 2 countries making  the most power tubes are china and russsia, So basically we can say this is a Russia vs China shootout.

China has come out with incredible numbers of power tubes, varieties and styles. These are the SET tubes. Russia has a  far superior selection in the push pull category.
IMHO , as i do have a  push pull amp, I favor the russian labs as far as reliability. 
Here is where it counts, As we know, its no fun having a   multiple power tube amp, and hearing 1 or more tubes going bad. 
A  good tech is not cheap, nor so easy to locate.
So in terms of reliability/push pull, I have to side with the russian labs.
The one exception on russian power tube relaibility, is the russian KT150,, its a new tube and we have not yet had long term performance testing. It is  not a tube I am the least bit interested in. 


Showing 14 responses by mozartfan

PSVANE T-II 12A_7 series.

I have 2 pairs of Psvane's 12AX7's in boxes, really nice boxes,,, I am willing to dump at any price,,, i'll take 50% of what i paid,,,, good riddance....
China, nor russia can make a  good(=read GREAT sounding)  pre tube. 
The best pre tubes were made by Telefunken. 
Mullards are a bit warmer sounding


Thats how me and  1 other  audiophile(quote: *I just didn't care for the GL's*, end quote) found the GL 88's. 
The GL are very popular, but just found the Svets a  superior tube.
have not tried the EH 6550;s.. I just might, ,,sometime after i get all my upgrades paid off/paypal debt.

This way I'll keep either the EH6550s or the Svets 6550.

I've used KT150s for the past couple of years without issue

Ok this is what we need to hera,, and would make sense the KT150 are in fact reliable, as jadis uses this tube in stocking a  few of their amps, jadis would never (except in the choice of EI KT90s wayyyy back when= mistake= bad tubes)  employ unrelaible tubes. 
Thing is, I did not care for the 150 in my amp. 
Almost damaged the Defy7,, as a  150 will not work in that circuit.

e GL KT88,

Tried em, didn't like them, return to vivatubes
Much prefer the Svet new 6550's, the new plant uses the exact same equipemnt as the burned down plant, 

NOS Svet 6550 = New Production Svet 6550, exact same tube,
Slovak Republic.

I havea  pair of JJ 6922's I refretfully won on ebay yesterday,, i will posta  commebt, Maybe my prejudice will change,, but I really do not like EI/JJ czech/East EU tubes, generally speaking
Excellent post, This is very helpful and based on your persoanl experience. 
Yes china makes everything,, with the one exception, automobiles, China can not nor ever will make a  car. 
Everything else they can make. But  by making everything, results in most things have less tahan acceptable standards. 
True, 90% of their power tubes will play wonderful for years,, But its that 10% that will give issues. Whereas russia as we know does not commercialize everything , but the few things , like tubes, guns, they make with a  far superior standard than does china. 
I am only speaking of 1 tube at the monent, The 88/6550, disregarding all others.
Russia's  new production of this tube, is slightly more musical and slightly more relaible. 
So why would you consider buying any chinese made 88??
when you get more bang for the buck with Svetlana's 88/6550?
Beats me. 
is there a question in your post?

No, Its a statement of belief,, = that china is not well know for relaible, musiacl sounding tubes, Sorry to say, when it comes to tubes (except in SET tubes) china Loses.
I have Psvane 12AX7 in nice beautiful boxes, = lose to every EU NOS tube/every USA tube, 
Russian EH pre tubes are wonderful. vs china. 

@mozartfan,   China does indeed make cars.

hard to fathom/believe, If you say so..
A chinese car...something on the level of a  Yugo,Fiat,  Chevy Chevette, Ford's 1980's crap, 
There is a  sort of relation, the more things a  country makes, the less quality in each product. 
Russia does not compete with china on consumer market goods, but the few things russia makes, are built  with reliability, A chinese 88 = is less reliable vs a  russsian 88.
This is my point of this topic.
Who of us can afford a  less than high quality 88 power tube?
I can't.

This is why i say, if you need SET tubes look to china, if you need  push pull, look to russia, This is the purpose of this topic. .

@ mozartfan, My new buick encore, is made in (China). This has been the world plan, 50+ years now. HELLO! :-)

Not doubting your word,, just had to google that fact,, yep says made in china,, HOWEVER,,not designed in china,, 
What I am saying the chinese can only copy things,, they can not invent ideas, They steal, The Buick is designed in the USA, built by cheap labor and robots in china,, Huge dif from  a  tube designed/built in china and a  tube designed/built in russia, China copies the russians, 
Russia makes the superior 88, which is the only  push lull i consider worth owning. 
The 90 is nice, but no cigar.
Aside from that, just the other day I read about some Chinese car company that is planning to build a car manufacturing plant in the U.S.A. I forgot details.

Well with the Chinese Flu shutting down businesses across the USA, there will be plenty of opportunity for chinese tycoons to come snap up property on the cheap and move operations here, as the USA will soon have a
 huge labor market, ready and willing to work at whatever wages offered.
China is headed downwards, has no future, The USA is the only country that will surive the chinese flu
shut down
So makes sense to buy up cheap properties and move business here.
Cheap labor + shipping + warehouse etc etc = same as making here with cheap USA labor.
I am not interested in any chinese 88 tube, no matter how fancy the labeling. 
As for sonic qualities, the best sounding most organic output tube is the Shuguang Western electric Plus series (WEKT88; same series available in 6CA7. 300B, 845,. etc); This tube family blows everything else into the weeds sonically.

One ebay buyer left a  comment on the Svet 6550's, * these Svet new production are equal to my previous WE6550/88's*
I believe him.
However,,, i will take  a  look at the WE88's Shuguang clones.
But lately my cash is spent in other places, new xovers, new tweets , caps, resistors, etc etc.
It will bea  very long time before i add new power tubes.
these Svet's are built like tanks and made to last, glitch free.

From the Russian side, the GL KT8s are my favorite

I had that tube, sent it back witha  generous restock fee, vivtubes says *thats the 2 nd matched 12 power tubes sent back in 1 month,,shop elsewhere please...*,,, anyway,, odd that my opinion was in line with another comment i read on a  forum (audio karma??)about the GL. Very popular, but he and I were in same opinion.

My problem is right now i have a pair of Sovtek 6922's in the cayin cd player and have muffed the sonics,, This is with my new Seas Thor xovers.. A pair of EH6922's arrive today and will find out just how the new Svet 6550's sound with new xovers, + superior 6922 tubes in the cd player,,also havea Tele pair of PCC88's arriving next week.
So maybe these Svet 6550's are not performing due to low level russian military style 6922's. 
As mentioned in another topic, all 6922's sounded near identical in the Cayin cd17, but when employing a  russian military style 6922, the sonics lowered drastically.

Tell ya what, Just read some of this review,,, read down,, eh655 vs eh88
He prefers the EH88 vs EH6550
so tahts what i will do, instead of getting the 6550 EH I'll buy the EH88 vs the Svet 6550.
Only 1 set will remain.

as i say in this topic, the 6550 and 88 are so close, near identical. 
I'll try adding a  set of EH88's  late next year (paypal debt will be near zero after paying all upgrades, new components) and will posta  review.
From 2002
longgg time ago