Newform Speakers...your experience?

I find the reviews on Audio Review to be less accurate than
the feedback here on AudiogoN. I would like to hear from
people with actual ownership experience and how the sound
of this brand of speakers holds up compared to other planer
and electrostat brands.

Showing 1 response by estrnad

I now have the R645's which replaced Magnepan 1.6's and Martin Logan Aerius's before that. I have a review posted on, please see, but in sum, these are better than the Maggies (except in coherence) and the ML's (much better low and top end). Not the prettiest speaker, but techie and different. Great build quality. Easy to place, not fussy.
The ribbons are fabulous, but require a change of crossover caps (to Hovlands) for smoothest, extended highs, which are as good as anything around, including Maggie 3.6's. I use Nordost Blue Heavens biwire just for the ribbons, and Analysis Oval 9's for the woofers. Plus, you get to talk direct with the designer, John Meyer (when was the last time you conversed with Gayle Sanders?). These speakers are a well kept secret and a bargain right now, please don't tell anyone about tehm, OK? Let's keep them our little secret... -Ed