Newclear NC1000L Amp

A couple of teaser reviews from Positive Feedback and Toneaudio is all I could find.
Lundahl transformer, DH labs silver plated copper cabling, cryo treatment and using B&O ICEpower 1000ASP module found in much more expensive class D amps are its claims.

Anyone here know more?

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I have been using this amp for some time now. I have auditioned it using my Linn/Dynavector and Parasound CD/DAC for all of my friends. On every musical genre I have played, the results have been nothing short of jaw-dropping. Nobody can believe this thing, especially considering its diminutive size and price. I have been in the audio business/hobby for 40 years now...and it takes a lot to impress me these days. But this amplifier just delivers. The impact and soundstage and detail is truly spectacular. The only thing it lacks is $5000.00 worth of CNC-Machined Billet to impress your friends. But the sound will knock them on their collective butts.
Emil..During the past two months I have received a number of emails from Jeff Dorgay, owner of Tone Audio Magazine. He will be posting online by the end of next week a complete review of the NewClear amp. Jeff mentioned he has listened to a lot of Class D over the years and the Newclear is the most musical Class D amp he has heard too date. He has given a Tone award to the NewClear as best new amp of the year. I have had several conversations with Sean Brady, owner of NewClear and he described the changes he has made to the mono amps, such as, switching out all the input and output wire to heavy gauge DH Labs silver plated copper wire. He has installed two Lundahl transformers, one for each mono amp at the input stage. So they perform as signal transformers rather than power transformers and greatly improve the incoming signal from the Preamp.