Newbie With Magnepan 1.7is

Hi all,

My name is Peter and I recently purchased a pair of year-old Magnepan 1.7i speakers from someone local after hearing them in person (he was running a PS DAC Directstream + pre-amp + amp, playing DSD files from computer + could change songs via Wi-Fi on his phone--with no sub, stuff was awesome!).

I’m looking for some advice on what to get for my own set-up. My room will be a 17’ x 16’ living room with wood floors, and 10’ of the 17’ side will open up to a dining area. The corner on the far side of the same 17’ wall will open up about 3 feet along the 16’ to a long hallway. I would like to set up the Maggies for music, and the occasional movie (maybe 2-5% of the time). Would like to be able to play music via Wi-Fi and be able to change songs on my computer and/or phone. (My computer is really good already since I built it for photo-editing purposes, but would I need a dedicated sound card?) Also would like to be able to add a subwoofer down the line (maybe in 3-5 years).

So far, I have:
- Magnepan 1.7i (pair)
- PeachTree 220 Amp

Trying to keep my budget for pre-amp + BT bypass + cables under $1,200. Am OK with used/older equipment here. The guy who sold me the Maggies told me I could do a receiver + amp. Can make me some recommendations?

Thanks in advance!

Showing 1 response by limniscate

A receiver with Magnepans is just wrong. The Magnepans are more of a music speaker than home theater speaker, ihmo.