The SACD Standard Version 1 has a nicer looking display, the newer display looks cartoonish, the numbers and letters are far too big, plus you can't see the Track # that is currently playing. The newer transport is also a bit noisy. Most people feel that the Version 2 sounds slightly better (a bit more robust), though Krell claims no noticeable sonic differences between the two. I would try to get an "A Stock" used Version 1, it will be a couple of hundred dollars less, plus I think you'll like the original display and quieter transport better. The Version 2 exists only because Phillips stopped making the Version 1 transport (did not want to invest in new tooling) that the SACD Standard was originally designed around. Krell did not voluntarily make changes to the SACD Standard 18-months into production, this change was forced upon them and they had to make the best of the situation, as typical with Krell, they succeeded.
Newbie.. what CDP/DAC for Krell 400xi and ML SL3
Just starting my first high end system. What I have got so far:
- Krell 400xi (new)
- Martin Logan SL3 (used)
- Alpha Core MI2 single-wired speaker cable (new)
Now, I am trying to get a budget CDP (under $1000). Any good suggestions?
On the other hand, like many others, I have an Oppo971 for video. Do you think getting a DAC can be a good alternative? How about a used MF Trivista?
(Please feel free to comment on my current combination too)
Thanks everyone
- Krell 400xi (new)
- Martin Logan SL3 (used)
- Alpha Core MI2 single-wired speaker cable (new)
Now, I am trying to get a budget CDP (under $1000). Any good suggestions?
On the other hand, like many others, I have an Oppo971 for video. Do you think getting a DAC can be a good alternative? How about a used MF Trivista?
(Please feel free to comment on my current combination too)
Thanks everyone