Newbie.. what CDP/DAC for Krell 400xi and ML SL3

Just starting my first high end system. What I have got so far:
- Krell 400xi (new)
- Martin Logan SL3 (used)
- Alpha Core MI2 single-wired speaker cable (new)

Now, I am trying to get a budget CDP (under $1000). Any good suggestions?

On the other hand, like many others, I have an Oppo971 for video. Do you think getting a DAC can be a good alternative? How about a used MF Trivista?

(Please feel free to comment on my current combination too)

Thanks everyone

Showing 2 responses by ktang

Thanks for your reply. Actually doing more research right now..
- in some other threads, folks suggest 400xi is best go for XLR
- I found that Jolida actually carries a JD700 dvd play (tube + XLR)
- Though people say JD100 sounds better than JD700...
So, among these two, any suggestions? Or there are more options?
Thanks a lot everyone.
I am in a search for my SACD standard now, and hitting a few questions/problems.

#1. Where to buy
Just went to a local dealer during the weekend, but the salesman did not seem interested in my business and I was a little pissed. Now I am considering to get one elsewhere. Krell does not authorize online sales in general. Anyone has good suggestions? In am living in SF Bay Area.

#2. Version 1 vs Version 2
I read from some threads that version 1 had a problem with the Philip drive, and finally Krell released version 2.
- Is version 1 really bad?
- How do I distinguish between version 1 and 2?