Newbie.. what CDP/DAC for Krell 400xi and ML SL3

Just starting my first high end system. What I have got so far:
- Krell 400xi (new)
- Martin Logan SL3 (used)
- Alpha Core MI2 single-wired speaker cable (new)

Now, I am trying to get a budget CDP (under $1000). Any good suggestions?

On the other hand, like many others, I have an Oppo971 for video. Do you think getting a DAC can be a good alternative? How about a used MF Trivista?

(Please feel free to comment on my current combination too)

Thanks everyone

Showing 3 responses by andrewdoan

The humanly warm and big vocal from the SACD Standard & the 400xi is something tough to beat. Listened couple hours to the BAT combo VK42 (?)/ vk250 with the Rega Apollo/ Cary 303/300, yet the sound was beautifully produced but still there was something missing : the human side of the reproduction of music which the SACD Standard & the 400Xi can do well.
Ktang, please let me have some feedback on either Jolida CDp with your 400xi. A while back,I used XLR connections from the KAV 280 CDP to the 400 xi and it was a day and night difference in term of not only dynamic (+ 6db)but details and tonal balance. I sold the Krell CDP280 for a personal taste in matching my system between black and silver. Just got back from Tweeter, Sade never sounds so warm and real with 400xi and the SACD standard and ML. I was about to buy the Jolida Jd100 or the Apollo but I believe nothing better than 400 xi and SACD combination running in XLR connection. I have decided I have to wait another 6 months or so to get the SACD at the authorized dealer but it will worth the wait. I have to live with the Rotel 1072 for now which is not really a good match for 400xi at all.
I had very good experience with guys over Audio Video Logic they do sell Krells over internet. You can get a good deal on Krell SACD standard there if they still have stocks. As far as i know, the later version has bigger display and different type of chip other than Phillip's that I know of. Good luck.