newbie to vinyl needs help

after alot of reading i finally took the plunge and picked up a vintage technics sl-bd22 turtable on the in$35.... First thing i notice is WOW i like the sound...BUT.... There is a very noticeable and nasty distortion in certain upper freq. Mostly i hear it in voices "s" and "f" sounds and some cymbals. I have replaced the stylis with no improvement...I would replace the entire cartrige(audio tech.) however ive been told that they either work or they dont so replacing it wouldnt help. Im not sure if I just have a junk table or if the problem lies elsewhere....ANY advice is apreciated!

My equiptment...

Magnepan 1.7
Onkyo pr-sc 886 pre/pro (has phono imput)
Anthem mca5

Thanks in advance,
Thanks for all the response...and sorry for the delay in responding.

Ive tried everything that applies (new record and cleaning contacts..even returned the stylus for a new one) and still have the problem... so here is what ive decided to order to give vinyl a fair shake ive ordered a new pro-ject 1.3 table. Now i have another question....

Im thinking that the phono stage in my onkyo pre/pro probably isnt the im considering buying the Bellari vp 130 tube phono preamp...for the reason just mentioned and the fact that to get any volume out of the old table im usnig i have to turnup the volume MUCH higher than any other source...also with the maggies i think the tube preamp will sound what do you the bellari a better way to go or should i stick with the onkyo's phono imput?
Snookfisher: Glad to see you back, good analog requires determination. Your comment about diminished volume indicates something isn't right, volume should be comparable with other sources. The pro-ject TT and Belario pre is a sensible entry and should tell you if vinyl is, for you, worth pursuing. What cartridge will you be using?