newbie seeks direction

Hey all....
i'm building a hi-fi system, and would love some input on what directions I should be heading. Not looking for info on what to buy, just what to look for.

My goal:
stereo setup that can be expanded to 5.1 if need be.

my target$$: $5k and under

my likes: I like a big sound stage with pin-point accuracy in the stereo image. I do a lot of ambient recordings with a Soundfield microphone, so dimensional detail is of upmost importance to me.

my use:
I play either normal audio CD's, or 24bit 96kHz recordings off of my PC. This means I'll need an outboard DAC for those high-res recordings. I would love to find a single box that would do it all (a combo pre/amp/DAC). If there is something like this in the 2-3k range, please recomend brands/models so I can do the research.

So far, i've demoed a pair of Martin Logan Ascent speakers and they blew me away.
My buddy has a nice system consisting of a philips DVD 1000 (or something like that) > conrad johnoson pre > mccmormick DNA amp > vanderstein 2ce signiture series speakers. I like what I hear at his house, but I liked the Logans better. Those were coming off of B&K gear.

Next up is a pair of Sonus Faber Concherto home monitors w/a Rel sub. The retailer told me "I think you'll like this", but it's got a lot to go up against. I fell in love with that ML's right away. I'm told that monitors are better for imaging than towers...but i'm still buzzing from those Logans!

Any way, any insight or help would be appreciated. I know that within this price range things become much more of a prefference in sound. Some like chocolate vs. vanilla..etc.

Showing 1 response by abex

Talk to Wayne at BolderCables.COM for a DAC & CD Transport or Scott Nixon.

nOrh has a new version of the LeAmp that might be SOTA for $400 for a monoblock set.I am waiting for feedback,but if it's positive I will be getting 3 sets to Vertical amp my new speakers.

This might be the biggest steal in audio if it holds true!The amps are said to double in Power with each halfing of impedence and be capable of driving loads to below 2ohms.

Like I stated I am waiting for impressions,but they have to better the original LeAmps.

Preamp.If you do not nees a remote get an FT Audio.If you need a remote go with Placette.If that to expensive get a Creek.

Speakers--Listen for what you like.If you get ML's make certain your room is big enough.Check Innersounds also.

Cables---try Bogdan and 47Labs OTA or make your own with John Risch designs.

Happy Hunting!