Newbie needs cabling HELP.

My first system (will be my second system after remodel).
Rega Mira 3 integrated
Rega Planet 2000 cdp
Totem Arros
Medium room (15x25x8.5), hardwood with rugs, some glass, speakers flanking cabinet in corner (I know,it's no good, but room improvements and other placement out of the question if I want to stay married).
Need cable suggestions.
I bought the Arros for looks (again, my wife), sound staging, and the ability to be near the walls. Also, I don't need deep bass (old house with vibrations). I bought the Regas to warm up the Arros.
Looking for cables to match...ics and speaker. Would like warm sound with detail, but not too bright. Any suggestions would be most appreciated. Considering Nordost Blue Heaven, Kimber 4tc, maybe Cardas Golden Cross (would rather not spend that much).
BTW, I assembled this system from lurking on this great site for quite a while. It's been a blast.
Thanks in advance.
Try Chris's flavor 1 power cord would help too. We got very good result on Rega 2000 CDP. Better imaging with slight warm sound and lower ground noise floor for under $40.

Monster M 1.2 or M 1.4(for bi-wiring) cables are warm sounding and very compatible too.

Van den Hul cables also tend to the warm side but they are silver plated and a bit more system dependent.

Just my five cents...
Thanks for the suggestions, everyone. I can't wait to try some of these out! I'll try to follow up with results.