NEWBIE need help understanding Seperates V Receive

Hi all!

Ok this is my first post, ive had home theaters set up before but im talking Bose etc. I have been doing some reading and I am now getting more into this as a hobby rather than a sit on the sofa and listen/watch type of thing.

So my first thing is I dont understand the terminology, like when I look on this site I see "pre-amps" "poweramps" "integrated" etc, what are these things and their role?

Previously I just used a receiver but the more I read the more I am into buying seperates, so what would I need to basically have a 5.1 or 7.1 set up without having a receiver but achieving the same goal as a receiver????

From what I know and please correct me, I need an amp and also the A/V that it??? And obviously my speakers and sub.

But ive never had separates before so I am somewhat confused on that piece.

So for speakers I am hoping to go with B&W, the CM series or the XT series, the room is smallish 13x13x9H feet.

I will use the system for 50:50 Music:Movies

What combos would you recommend to power these B&W's and what brands?

Thank you for any input and sorry to be asking these questions!

Showing 1 response by richardfinegold

Separates versus an AVR? Conventional audiophile wisdom is to denigrate receivers as inferior to separates. Receivers have really improved in the last several years and thre are many that sound very fine indeed. They are also easier on the budget and living space.
Whatever speakers you pick, check their sensitivity and impede nice to ensure that your AVR has enough power to drive them.
Another advantage of AVRs are that they are upgradable. You can use the preamp outs to add a better power amp, for example.
Regarding individual components, such as speakers, you really do have to listen and make your own choices. My tastes may differ wildly from yours, your listening room may have a major impact, etc.