Newbie looking for system suggestions

Category: Amplifiers

Pardon my lack of knowledge, but I just got a Xmas bonus, and am looking to spend it on a hi-fi 2.1 channel system -- starting from scratch!!! If you had around $6-8 thousand to spend, how would you do it? It will be for a 20x 24 room, carpeted, with cathedral ceilings (15 ft high). I mostly listen to vocal jazz, blues, rock, but often get a classical hair and have some very good orchestra + piano recordings.

Again, sorry such a basic question -- I have been doing a lot of reading, but I am still completely overwhelmed and looking for some suggestions to audition!!


Showing 1 response by mapleleafs3

Go and listen to hi end gear. Simple as that. Then buy what sounds best to you. Do not buy expensive cable. The source is the most important part. Dont let people tell you speakers are the most important.
Amps try and hear Rogue, Speakers Coincident.