Newbie G4 laptop to NAD 320 BEE setup

I am trying to figure out my options for the optimum laptop setup. I have a G4 17" 1.3 Ghz running Itunes with Apple Lossless audio files. I am going to connect the laptop to an NAD320 BEE integraded amp driving a pair of Klipsch Forte speakers. I am currently trying to figure out the connection to the amp. Do I really need a DAC with 24/192khz sampling, or can I use something simpler like a Behringer UCA202 U-Control Audio Interface, or Behringer FCA202 - FireWire Audio Interface. I evetually want to add a tube pre-amp to the setup. I have looked through the forum and there seems to be issues of jitter etc with the laptop setup, but technically with lossless files, shouldn't I be able to get CD quality audio? Any suggestions on the setup will be greatly appreciated.

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Thanks for the suggestions. So, I actually got this to work with ITunes Home Sharing. I have the laptop connected to the amp with an RCA Y cable, and the music is streamed from another Mac (intel quad with 24 bit output capability). It sounds pretty good, but I do wonder if there is any loss with the streaming. I guess another option is running the optical cable over to the amp from the Tower as suggested. Maybe I will give that a shot as the laptop fan has begun to annoy me already. Or, I will try the airport express. Still tinkering.