New Zu Mission cable

For some reason, the other thread on this subject was deleted. I wanted to hear from those who bought the new Mission cable during Zu's recent promotional period. I also would like to open up this thread to impressions of this cable once in your system.

Showing 5 responses by curious_george

Any ideas how these would compare with Audience Au24? Other than a large price gap, would Mission give Au24 a good contest?
On Facebook, Zu mentions two new cable lines - Event and Ride. My Mission are sitting in local customs waiting for me to pay import taxes.
Agree. Feeling a little peeved myself. I thought the 50% off intro offer was something special. That aside Mission is great cable and this might be a good opportunity to add more Mission to the system.
Any idea as to why Zu has destroyed the value of their Mission cable via auctions on eBay?

As a "valued customer" I really thought their intro offers were great. This excitement was quickly followed by despair when they further discounted and now $1 auctions on eBay....WTF?!?

Am I wrong to feel peeved?