New vs Used when buying please share thoughts

I would like to get peoples thoughts on new vs.used equipment. Is there anything you should not buy used such as speakers due to warrenty loss etc.. I am in the begining stages of setting up a system. I thought why not pose the question before I get knee deep in the buying process. I am new to the hifi world, and would like the comments from people who are in the know. If used is the way to go is Audiogon the place to buy it? Are there any pitfalls I should watch out for? I want to thank people in advance for responding to this thread. I think your responses will make my decision clearer. Again Thanks to everyone.
Saint2, welcome aboard!

Before buying anything on Audiogon I would suggest reading the forums extensively in order to get an idea of what you'd like to spend and which brands would appeal to you musically.

Also at the same time I would recommend visiting as many high end audio stores and listening to as much as you can in order to gain experience and form your own opinions about the equipment you've heard and how you like the music presented.

If you can listen to a friend's system that would probably be even better than visiting a store. At a friend's you can relax and spend more time trying different configurations. Also, since audio stores usually take more care to display the equipment than to set it up for maximum performance you might not get a good feel for the gear.

Unfortunately, the only reliable way to judge a component is in your own system. Auditioning equipment in a foreign acosutic environment to your home's can greatly reduce the reliability of the comparison.

That's one reason I've taken the expensive, but fun approach. I research, research, research, then buy it used on Audiogon.

I've learned far more about a piece of equipment from the give and take discussion on Audiogon than from reading any review in a magazine. I've rarely been disappointed and always enjoy hooking up a new piece of gear for the first time to see if everything I've read is true and to hear how it synergizes with the rest of my system.

I've had over 70 transactions on Audiogon and have had only one bad deal. I've bought and sold just about all types of components except large floorstanding speakers and big subwoofers. They can be a real challenge to package and ship safely.

If you're careful and do your research, I think you'll find that buying used is both satisfying and cost effective. Plus you'll make a lot of new friends.

Good luck!
How about this concept. Buying new stuff at used gear prices. That's right you can find brand new gear for 30 40 even better than 50% off. It'll take you a little time to figure it out but when you do it get's harder and harder to buy used.

I'll leave you with one little did bit of info. Anything in High end can be had brand new for 25% off retail pretty much any day of the week. and that's only the beginning!

One other thing I will recommend is bite the bullet and pay for the audiogon bluebook. It pay's for itself real quick, especially when your spending thousands of dollars on gear.

I renew my subscription every year, though my spending has slowed way down I still find it to be an invaluable reference tool.
I would like to thank everyone for there input, it is extremely helpful. I would like to say that buying used is appealing to me. Especially as the price goes up. I don't think in my life I have ever owned a new car, but I have learned that used can be nice if you do your research as Gunbei says. In that respect, I have been visiting hifi stores listening to everything, because I know from this forum that synergy is important. I also notoriously read disscussions on Audiogon to get insight on equipment.
Kurt, as far as local sellers go that would be my first choice. Everything else I buy used is local, and it is nice to see the item physically before buying it. I also agree with buying component pieces used by mail, if packed well they should be ok. Double boxing is also an excellent idea SFAR, I will keep that in mind. I never thought about getting the SN # from the equipment, but that is a good idea, Thanks Driver.
A few posts suggested to buy from sellers you can trust. Instinct will have to guide that decision because I am not familar with anyone on this site. Hopefully, my instincts will be as good as some of yours.
I do believe I will buy my speakers new from a dealer. Like Driver, I to believe in having a good relationship with a local dealer who does let me demo items at home. That type of relationship can be invauluable later.
Glen thanks for bringing up Audiogon Blue Book, I was looking at that yesterday. I will have to pursue that further. Thanks again all! From someone who is always browsing the forum.
I prefer to buy Cartridges new since they are so delicate. NOS tubes are also preferable to OOS (old old stock). Aside from those I believe used gear will give you the best value.
Anything with moving parts(like turntables), buy new. Anything without moving parts(like solid state amps), buy used.