New Von Schweikert VR 33?

Interested in buying this speaker, not sold on dealers only direct from VSA so can't audition it. Anybody own or listened to them? Please, your thought.

Showing 7 responses by csmgolf

I heard the VR 33's at RMAF last fall with fairly inexpensive Jolida gear. I thought they sounded as good or better than anything else I heard there in that price class. Made everything from contemporary jazz to rock and hard rock sound enjoyable and made me want to stay and listen more. If I were looking in this price range, they would certainly be on the short list. I don't understand why someone would post their comments on a speaker they have apparently never heard.
"I hope it sounds better than it looks"

The same could certainly be said about the Vandersteen 3A signature. The 3A and VR33 look more alike than different. I will not comment on the Vandies sound, as I have not heard them. I will say that I have liked the sound of the Vandersteen speakers I have heard very much. I am sure it would be an interesting comparison between the two.
Making comments, either positive or negative, about a speaker you admit you have never heard is certainly NOT reasonable. The exchange of ideas and experiences should be in regards to the product in question, because that is what the OP asked about. I really don't know what is so hard to understand about that.
The one thing you are right about is that this thread is only about a speaker. You seem to regard it as only being based on your opinion, and that noone else is as educated in the ways of audio as yourself. (I'm entitled to my opinion... WHAHHH!!!). Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Apparently there are several people on this thread that find you to be a tool. I agree. Don't "get your butt all puckered up" (your quote) about other's opinions as they seem to be well founded. It's just an opinion, it's not life and death, your mother or wife, etc. (more paraphrasing from the genius contributed to this thread) The thread was ready to drift away and you had to dig at the scab again. I personally couldn't give a hoot in hell about VS speakers and what others think about them. I don't own them and more than likely won't. However, I HAVE heard the model in question and certainly found it to be more than competitive in its price range and stated such. YOU have the time to post 14 times giving "expert" opinion on something you've never even heard. What a way cool life you lead. You're like listening to Arthur Fonzarelli. "I was wr, wr, wr, wr, wr, wr. Oh forget it, I was right, even though I was wr, wr, wr."
Glory, you missed the point, or at least my point. Chad has never heard the VR33 and said as much. Yet he still insisted on providing commentary on their sound. Jdoris posted a comment on 5/24 that he heard them and did not care for them. Not one person has posted refuting what Jdoris said about them in the three weeks since. You know why? He has heard the speaker, therefore his opinion is valid. That is what my point has been from the beginning.
One thing is crystal clear in this; reading comprehension is not your strong suit.