New 'Vinyl Flat' flattener?

Anyone tried one of these here yet, and your impressions/review, please?

I think I would look to do it with the optional sleeve/heat system myself.

Showing 6 responses by wntrmute2

I played it after the long hot soak. Sounded fine to me but I was playing it on a system I had just assembled. I recently returned the album to the owner. let's see what Tom has to say about the sound!
I tried mine out today with the pouch. 5 hours heating time and a couple of cooling hours. Pretty severe edge warp gone in a new pressing of Lucinda Williams "West" which all four copies I tried were next to unplayable. So far, so good.
No negative effects that I can hear. The Band's Rock of Ages (2nd LP) is in the flattener now. I'll try and post some short video of before and after.
I'd be happy to try and flatten it for you. Contact me at
Offer is still open. I'll try to flatten a few LPs for those that want to see if this thing works. No promises, it has worked for me on the few I've tried but I've been too busy to work through my collection.
A fellow sent me this Steely Dan Aja album to try and flatten. After multiple attempts; 6 hours, then 12 hours, then 24 hours and finally 48 hours in the vinyl flat and pouch, the thing is pretty flat. labor intensive but ultimately successful. I'm going to try and post the link to the clips.¤t=AjaSideBPre.mp4¤t=2012-01-30_18-17-31_247.mp4¤t=2012-01-30_17-52-45_675.mp4