New versions of Vienna Mahlers, Strauss?

At the 2006 Rocky Mountains Audiofest in Denver I fell in love head-over-heels with the musicality of the Vienna Mahlers. But I have recently heard that both Mahlers and Straus have been since withdrawn, and are to be replaced by new versions. Neither the Sumiko nor the Vienna Acoustics web site have any information about these upcoming speakers. Has anyone heard any information? Rumours? Hints?

Showing 6 responses by guidocorona

Thank you RealHifi, I may heed your recommendation! Please let us know more about your experiences with Mahlers.
Thank you Downunder, I would initially power the Mahlers with a pair of Rowland 7M monoblocks, to be replaced at some time possibly with a Rowland 312 or other solid state or class D amp. My listening environment consists of a loft measuring approx 17 x 18 ft with 10-12 coffered ceiling. The Mahlers would back into a half wall, 39 inches high, opening onto the home entrance on the main floor below. The open area behind the half wall has a square footage slightly higher than the loft itself. Walls are textured with the typical 'Monterey knockdown' used in Austin (TX); Ceilings are stippled; floor is carpeted with wall-to-wall berber, and I have an extremely thick 12x9 wool rug in the loft. One side wall is occupied by a wall unit with books and other thinks; A sofa sits opposite the speakers. I would say my acoustics are very controlled--sounding open but with little or no reverberation.
Hi Shane, my current speakers are a pair of Maggie IIIAds. The total area of my listening environment, including loft and open area behind it is perhaps 18 ft wide by 36 deep or so. Yes, I would love to hear Raquel's thoughts on this.
Thanks Raquel, yes the Mahlers can sound like competent 'junior achievers' with some D-class amps, e.g. Rowland 201 and 501. But on Rowland 312 they were a completely different kettle of fish. . . . outstandingly musical without a trace of bass bloat. By the way neither 201s nor 501s generated bloat. . . just not as musical as I wished.
Hi Downunder, I did not hear a problem in the 201 and 501 treble per se. That is, I was not detecting audible distortions. Rather, I did not hear all the harmonic richness I was looking for, nor was I hearing all the low level detail and microdynamics that make music come alive.

I agree. . . the Maggies 3As and the Mahlers are very different animals. . . but can both be very uniquely musical under the right circumstances.
Finally I have taken the plunge. . . retired my Maggie IIIAs and have just received a brand new pair of Mahlers. . . . and promptly started a thread to chronicle their break in process and discuss Mahler related matters. . .
See you all there!