New TW 3 Motor Pod

I don't know what else to call TWs new 3 motor single pod unit intended for use with the Raven. I received mine a couple of weeks ago and with sufficient break in time I'm prepared to comment on its performance v/s the single motor I have been using for several years.

The new unit is the very same motor now marketed with the TW Black Knight except without the scalloped edges around the motor base. If anyone out there has been thinking about moving up to this unit I would say don't hesitate. The depth of field, expansive side to side staging, more natural leading edge transients, explosive dynamics without glare, and ultra quiet vinyl playback is worth the price of the motor. Anyone now owning a Raven using one motor cannot imagine what they are not hearing in their analog system. I've had many skeptics tell me that the added motors would only lead to more audible noise but I have found the result to be absolutely the opposite with very dark backdrops and much more 3D images. Did I mention the terrific tight integrated bottom end? This completion of the Raven has left me wanting for nothing from my analog source.

For those of you using the original motor controller and not the Reference model, the improvement with the Reference is big. It's also less expensive than the new motor. I would say move up to the Ref MC first and the new motor after that. You can see pictures of the new motor on Facebook at High Water Sounds' site. If interested, contact Jeff Catalano at High Water.

Showing 4 responses by sunnyboy1956

Congrats on your new motor. I completely endorse your sentiments about the significant improvement of the 3 motor unit versus the single motor. Its been nearly 6 months since I swapped the single motor for the BN motor & PSU in my TW AC. I suspect to get the best results the battery driven PSU helps. Jet black backgrounds , a much longer sustain and decay of notes. Couldn't agree more . There is nothing to add to the vinyl chain :)
I stopped listening to cds years ago except perhaps as background music when the conversation gets dull..
Congrats on the platter upgrade. Am I correct in inferring that there is a bigger bang going from the single motor to 3 motors than in the platter upgrade. Just curious.
Many thanks. Hope to be listening to your platter upgrade soon.
Seasons greetings