New turntable

It’s time for an upgrade on my rega p3-24 with Hana sl cartridge, musical surroundings phonomeno phono stage. My budget is $7500 high end. I’m looking for something that is emotional,has sound stage with good depth, and goes beyond speakers. I’m a bit of a bull in a China closet when it come to delicacy and patience. So I’m looking for something that needs very little maintenance. I live outside of city so I don’t want to pay a dealer for 100 mile round trips to help me. My only audition was with linn lp12 majik, and rega planar 10, I preferred the rega but wasn’t crazy about what seemed to be an in your face presentation. I’m looking for something different. 


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If selecting table and arm separately, I just installed this Technics EPA-250 Tonearm and EPA-B500 Base Combo for a friend, it is as good as everyone says, and it has two wonderful features if you are going for a Single Arm TT:

1. removable headshell, so you can have several mounted, i.e. MM stereo; MC Stereo; Mono. (there is an optional arm/ fixed cartridge version)

2. VTA on the Fly, superb, turn the dial, up/dn while playing: stays where you put it. Change headshell, adjust VTA, adjust tracking/anti-skate: play on!


My friend’s had been unused for a long time, the lifter and anti-skate both were frozen, I had to carefully get them working.

verify with seller: arm lift works properly! anti-skate works properly. OEM Phono Cable (with integral ground pin) included? Not critical, you can and perhaps want to use a different rca/rca phono cable. Then you adapt the ground wire to a bullet pin, same diameter as the rca pin.

Verify you have room for the base, it is a larger diameter than many.


Here is the fixed cartridge arm A501H on the B500 base


OEM phono included here