Former VPI owner X2 plus a bunch of others. Given your stated preferences and budget you should give the Pure Fidelity Harmony paired with an Origin Live Illustrious. This combo will vastly outperform whatever VPI you might get for the same or more money. Seriously great table. Send me a PM if you want to learn more—I’m working on a review that will drop after the holidays.
New turntable
It’s time for an upgrade on my rega p3-24 with Hana sl cartridge, musical surroundings phonomeno phono stage. My budget is $7500 high end. I’m looking for something that is emotional,has sound stage with good depth, and goes beyond speakers. I’m a bit of a bull in a China closet when it come to delicacy and patience. So I’m looking for something that needs very little maintenance. I live outside of city so I don’t want to pay a dealer for 100 mile round trips to help me. My only audition was with linn lp12 majik, and rega planar 10, I preferred the rega but wasn’t crazy about what seemed to be an in your face presentation. I’m looking for something different.