New tube preamp


I'm thinking of replacing my PS Audio BHK Signature preamp and was wondering if anyone has listened to the Supratek Cabernet 6SN7 and or the Linear Tube Audio Microzotl preamps or the LTA MZ3, from what I've read the preamp in both of the LTA's are identical. Both are very reasonably priced (under $5000.00) and both are tube designs. For the money they are both supposed to be giant killers. Thank you.

Hey scothurwitz,   you want to get a really great sounding tube preamp ? check out the ( Rogue Audio RP-7 Preamplifier  )  It's next on my list.
Agree on DeHavilland Ultraverve. I bought a used one and love it. 6sn7 based is the way to go for my system. Quickly sold my highly rated and reviewed 12AU7 based preamp once I put the Ultraverve in. Then I had Kara build me a Mercury 3 with upgraded Dueland capacitors. I am keeping and using both preamps. The Ultraverve is a great deal used. 

Like so so many of us after reading the reviews I to wanted to hear one (RP7) I had a McIntosh C52 which, in my opinion, was mediocre at best and I got the Mac at cost because I work in the industry. My local Rogue dealer offered to trade the Mac for a new factory sealed RP7 so we did an even swap. I made sure to put about 200 hours on the RP7 before coming to any conclusions. NOT impressed. Like so many other pieces it did some things really well. It was very quiet, clean, open, nice bass and good midrange but where it fell short for me is it had absolutely no tonality, I need more tonal color and accurate timbre and I was so disappointed in that regard. It bored me to tears!

Since you have tried some decent preamps and they each bored you to tears, would you mind sharing the rest of your system? Your source of boredom is likely somewhere else in the system.