New tube amp for ML Prodigy CAT, VTL, ARC????

I am thinking of moving on from my ARC VT200 to another tube amp. Can anyone offer advise here? Some that I am considering are the BAT VK150, VTL 450's, CAT JL2, or maybe if I stretch a used pair of ARC Ref300's. I would love to include the Lamm ML1.1 (90 watts??) or the Nagra VPA's but am afraid they wouldn't drive my speakers very well.

Can anyone compare any of the above amps with what I am currently using to give some insight as to what might be gained with such a move? Should I just stand pat, as I think the VT200 sounds pretty darn good? Or, would there be a tremendous jump in performance? I would prefer to stay all balanced but am very limited when I add this into the mix. I like all kinds of music including loud R&R from time to time.

BTW, reliability and a company's track record are considerations.

Thanks for your help


Showing 2 responses by denf

I had a pair or Prodigys mated to a pair of ASL Hurricane amps with VERY good results. You might want to try these as a much more affordable alternative.
Also, you should audition the NuForce Reference 9.02 mono blocks. I have them now on my Summits and the match up is pure magic. Because they also have been highly praised for their incredible bass reproduction as well, they should wrk wonders with the Prodigy's passive woofers.