New TT, Arm and MC Cartridge

Today is my birthday. I am seventy-two today. I have been lower than the mud under a snake's belly since my wife of fifty-one years and committed lover of fifty-four years passed away last month. I am going to buy myself a present.
That present is going to be a new turntable, tonearm and MC cartridge. I probably won't buy it for another week or two. What I presently have in mind is a Clearaudio Performance DC table or perhaps the Performance DC Wood table, the Satisfy carbon or perhaps the Tracer tone arm and a Clearaudio Talisman V2 Gold MC cartridge. Part of the reason for this choice is I have had good history with the dealer who sells them.
I would love to hear from any respondents who think this is a good choice or a bad choice.


Showing 1 response by mr_m

My respect and sadness goes out to you for your loss. My wife and I have been married 40 years now and your story strongly reminds me to never take that precious angel of mine for granted.

Just a reminder to all us guys that what the Lord gives, can also be taken away by him.

Peace to you, Brother.