New Transport Approach

With never-ending advances in technology and tumbling prices, I wonder if any high-end audio CD player manufacturer is considering an approach such as this - populate the player with 700 megabytes of RAM and pre-read the whole CD into RAM. We know this is completely reliable (or else our beloved MS Office wouldn't work). Then the whole transport system could be shut down, eliminating any concerns about mechanical or electrical noise, and the "CD" could be played back straight from RAM through the DAC. It would seem like this would reduce or eliminate jitter completely. There would be an "initialization" time penalty, but I would think for the high-end market, that wouldn't be a huge deal. Any thoughts? -Kirk

Showing 1 response by audiogon_arnie

Interesting idea, Kthomas. Myself and couple of guys at Audiogon had this same idea as well. We had assembled a lengthy dissertation on the benefits of this concept, and it was going to be part of "Multimedia" exploration. While it seems that audiophiles are not quite ready for multimedia, this concept could be a side effect of exploring the computer/audio integration.

For those of interest, please take a look at:
RamDac concept

The "Multimedia Site" itself is at:
Multimedia Initiative

We are getting close with this, as there are now real world products worth the consideration of audiophiles.