New tonearm: wish to upgrade from DV 505

Dear Audiogoners,
I would like to get your advice for the best actual upgrade from an old DV 505 (mounted on a PX 100 M direct drice). Within the last 20 years, many alternatives evolved. I appreciate any of your valuable proposals. Da Vinci? Schroeder SQ? FR? Any suggestions are welcome.
Best regards r walter
Hi There,

you have a lovely system and the Onkyo PX-100M is a gem! It may interest you to know that Frank Schroeder has an Onkyo PX-100M - he described it to me as the quietest turntable he had heard (or not! lol) may be worth dropping him a line, as he has first hand experience of your amazing 'table and I am sure that he would advise impartially...

May I ask how you came to own the Onkyo...are you the original owner?

Very Best Wishes,

Thanks, Paul. I already contacted Frank Schröder for an appointment to compare the alternatives.
By the way, are you the lucky one who owns 2 (t w o) of the PX 100 M DDs? Which tonearms and cartridges do you use?
Regards walter
Hi There,

I am indeed the owner of two PX-100Ms, but my journey has not been an entirely smooth one! Both of my 'tables are with Vantage Audio in the UK...the first PX-100M I bought, back in 2004, had speed stability issues - I then managed to obtain a second, working example, which is currently being used to find out what is wrong with the first PX-100M!

I know that Frank Schroder has observed that connecting a certain earthing arrangement causes problems for his PX-100M, which is otherwise working perfectly. I am, interestingly, thinking of using my Dynavector DV-505 on my PX-100M, with an Ortofon Winfield cartridge...that said, I might just wait to see how you get on, in the light of your possible changes! (lol)

I would be interested to hear of your experiences with your Onkyo PX-100M...have you observed any 'strange behaviour', or is it a faultless gem every time! lol

Best Wishes,

While we are on the subject of the DV505, I have several questions regarding its many adjustable elements (set-screws and their function), most of which are not even mentioned in the Owner's Manual, at least not in the English translation. Do any of you know of a source of a DV505 expert, preferably in the Northeast US?
Hi Paul, coming back to your question concerning drive stability, I had a similar experience like the one Frank had told you. It happened (only) once when touching the grounding (earthing) of the tonearm cable that the speed jumped from 33rpm to 45rpm. An immediate reset using the speed control panel was possible. So far (knock on wood), I observed no other adverse reactions/side effects. The PX 100 really is the gem you mentioned.
Regards walter