New To Vinyl... Seeking Recomendations

good day,

i am brand new to vinyl, having just received my first turntable - Original Oracle Delphi, Papier Triplanar tonearm, Talisman Virtuoso cartridge.

I've done a considerable amount of reading on how best to care for records and think i have a handle on that, and now was hoping to get a few recommendations on recordings that REALLY show off the virtues of viyl.

After some browsing around the 'best of' threads here, there seems to be some often recommended albums, such as:

Louis Armstromg St. James Infirmary, Classic Records, 45 rpm
Jazz At The Pawnshop (i have this cd and LOVE it, so am looking forward to hearing it on vinyl)
Allison Krauss and Union Station Live (again, another of my favorite CDs)

Any other suggestions would be appreciated... the goal is to queue up a few great records and be able to demonstrate to my wife why all this extra gear is now finding a home in our living room!

many thanks,

Showing 1 response by elinor

You have asked for recommendations for "show off records" without regard for types of music. Without knowing your taste, I agree with most of what has been posted with a few modifications and additions. You might want to find a good local used record shop where you can find original pressings at reasonable prices. I am not convinced that reissued 33 rpm records costing $30 plus are always as good sounding as some of the original pressings. Example: Dire Straits Brothers in Arms. I have a $6.00 commercial pressing which I have compared directly to the pricey reissue and the vintage copy is better in all respects. Many, not all, 45 rpm reissues are superior to 33 rpm pressings regardless of vintage. Lastly, if you do not own a record cleaning machine, you should buy one. You need to clean new records in order to eliminate the mold release used to get it off the stamper. You need to clean old records for obvious reasons of dirt and grime in the grooves. Happy listening.