New to vinyl again

Hi everyone, I am going to give vinyl a try again for the first time since probably the early 90's. I have recently purchased a Thorens TD124 that is going to take a little bit of time to get it rebuilt a bit and ready (make a new plinth, new armboard, clean, lube, and replace the usual rubber goodies), and I will also need a tonearm. I am wondering what anyone would suggest in terms of an arm and cartridge. I have been considering picking up a SME 3009 series II arm, and will probably go with a MM cartridge. I am thinking maybe about $600 for both, but could be persuaded to go a bit higher. My music tastes have changed since long ago and moved to jazz, folk, vocals, and smaller ensembles. I will probably be primarily buying favorite LPs in 180 gm format if available. The associated equipment consists of: Maggie 3.6R, Conrad Johnson LS17 preamp, and Bryston 4BSST amp. I am also looking for suggestions for a phono preamp. Thanks for looking.

Showing 1 response by johnss

Yes, Czbbcl is correct, purchase a good record cleaning system. That is super important for listening to LPs.
Nitty Gritty and VPI both make them, and while you are at it, purchase some new sleeves to so you are not sliding that freshly cleaned record back into a dirty old sleeve.

