Yes that is one thing I have noticed - there is a almost overwhelming sea of variety in tube manufacturers, tube types/characteristics, modifications/tweaks, etc. Lots to learn - I guess I'll just pick one to start and see what I like from there. I live in the NYC area so I figure I can demo a few things as well. I went to look at the offerings from Consonance and I noticed the Cyber 10 Multi Integrated SET amp - neato all in one option for my lossless-encoded music files along with class A operation to boot. Not sure if it's enough juice for my MA's though....
New to tubes
Currently have a Denon receiver and would like to replace it with an integrated tube amplifier. Considering the Onix SP-3, some of the Jolida line, or maybe a Primaluna Prologue 2 (budget $900 or less). My speakers are Monitor Audio Silver 5i's. I've been reading about speaker impedance curves and how the high output impedance of tube amps can really change the response of speakers. Anyone have experience with the Monitor Audio line and various tube amplifiers? These a good match for something like a Prologue 2 or an SP-3?
Currently have a Denon receiver and would like to replace it with an integrated tube amplifier. Considering the Onix SP-3, some of the Jolida line, or maybe a Primaluna Prologue 2 (budget $900 or less). My speakers are Monitor Audio Silver 5i's. I've been reading about speaker impedance curves and how the high output impedance of tube amps can really change the response of speakers. Anyone have experience with the Monitor Audio line and various tube amplifiers? These a good match for something like a Prologue 2 or an SP-3?