New to the two channel world - Advice needed on preamp

I am new to the two channel arena, but have been in AV my entire career. I am looking to find a solid preamp to match with my system.   I would be open to integrated amps if they are a better option.

Current Rig

Paradigm Prestige 85F’s and Prestige 1000SW Sub (Not sure if I really need a sub or not, but I have it nonetheless)
Bryston 4B-ST
Sony ZA3100ES (I know its an AVR, but it had the requisite preouts)

I listen mostly to FLAC files off of a PC. Looking to stay under $2K. Any advice for a newbie?

Showing 4 responses by theaudioninja

Thank you for the tips!

dweller - The BAT you mention is $8K.  Is there a model that is closer to my budget that would serve me well?

maple - looks interesting.  I’m going to order one off of eBay and see how that sounds.
Ghasley- yes, right now the Sony is working as my preamp and dac. I can manage the sub from the front panel. 

Would a device like a Cambridge 851N or a NAD C658 work for me?  They seem to be a preamp, dac, and network streamer wrapped in one. 
F917025 - I listen to a mix of rock, blues, and classical.  I prefer warm to bright, but love to pick out individual instruments and follow them through the song.  With me being new to this, I know the parts and what they do, I just don’t know which part is the best place to spend the money.  Preamp?  Interconnects? DAC?  I have listened to peach tree in the past and have been very impressed.  Would I biamp with the additional outputs on the Grand?
Thank you for the info Dspr. I agree. Audio is so personal. I will start with obtaining more knowledge and move forward from there. 

Thank you everyone that responded. Glad to be joining the two channel world.