New to the game. Need some beginners advice.

I have always been in to audio. I asked for a receiver and a pair of 10's for my 12th birthday. I have always been a receiver kind of guy. Now, I want to do it right.

Can someone point me to a resource that can list the different components of a typical audiophile's system and their functions? I am trying to get away from just a simple home theater receiver and get more out of the speakers I own (I have the full Jamo D8 line). I have the ability to purchase some used Adcom and NAD amps from a friend at a great price according to the bluebook, but I need some advice on starting out. Any help is appreciated.
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I agree with rockadanny. With all respect to the guys who recommended Polks, I believe it is much too soon to recommend any specific products. Beside the fact that you don't know what you like, a big part of the journey is learning for yourself and finding what works for you. Especially since you asked for resources and not suggestions for products.
Take your time and enjoy.
just dont get discouraged... in the end, the reward is amazing... i am reaping the rewards right this moment in our ZEN room
I agree with rockadanny and Sebrof; however, there is one big question left unanswered; where do you recommend he go to do all of this "listening"?
RMAF is a good place to start, or some other audio show nearer to Waryan. Many big cities have audio societies. I'd also put out a feeler on all of the forums, asking if s/he could stop by to have a listen - IME people love to show off their systems. Hit all of the stores and dealers within a few/several hours driving distance. Any other ideas?