New to Preamp - Preamp suggestion around 10k

Hello all! I am new to this site, and preamp. Thiss might be niche, but I am using a Stax headphone with its amp, which has a bypass function for external preamp. I am trying to add a slight bit of warmth, plus better dynamics and imaging.


Currently I have found some good ones (and available), from what I've seen on this site, as follows:

Rogue Audio RP-9

Cary SLP-05 (around 11k with the "ultimate upgrade")


I've also seen ARC Ref 6 suggested, but there seems to be a lack of sellers in my place. As for SLP-05, the distributor at my place said there was no demo, even for the standard version......which left me with RP-9 for audition. Would much appreciate your opinions on them, and any alternatives!


Thank you in advance!


Showing 4 responses by cming0038

Thank you @blisshifi @yoby @ervikingo for your great suggestions! Now I remember PS Audio and Backert are occassionally mentioned on here as well.


Considering I live in Asia region, it seems that Audio Mirror and Aric Audio are out of my reach for audition sadly...I might be able to try out PS Audio and Allnic given that there are distributors here.


As for Backert, even though there's not a demo, it's good that you can return the preamp within 14 days in case not satisfied. I will try to contact them and see if they provide shipping service across half the earth haha.


@ervikingo could you share more about your experience with the L-6500? Would love to have some understanding about it before I get the chance to audition!


Thanks again!!​​

Thank you everyone for your suggestions and elaborate reply! I feel so welcomed here <3 Very nice of you all!


I have been jotting down the names of these brands, and looking up where I can try all of them...seems Backert and ARC are rated pretty highly here!


@bdp24 I've come across EAR Yoshino too! Though if I don't use phono, is 912L still worthit, or 868L will be more good for buck?


@celtic66 I've actually used Luxman's DA-250 some time ago. It had great sound except a rather weak bass XD. Which model would you suggest? Given that their CL-1000 costs like 14k in my place lol


@optimize I would like to get into speakers one day as well. The prices of housing in my city is just crazy. We're talking about an average of 2k per sq. ft. and so. my room is just too small to create a good setup :P


@yoyoyaya I'm currently using Stax T-8000 amp and SR-009 (BK version if it make a difference). I've never tried out a BHSE due to lack of distributor, but T-8000 dtill delivered a good sound imo, good treble, vocal. Dynamic and bass was lacking a little, but improved (especially the bass) as I rolled some Telefunken CCA tubes. Currently a happy man, but just want to go even further by adding some sweetness and dynamic!


@mulveling hello! Your opinion on RP-9 here was part of why I got interested in this preamp! Fact that it could keep up with a Ref 6 SE (despite less warmth) was great! It must be nice to have a T2 as well, and I'm jealous haha. The reason I've been looking for a preamp is that, reportedly (in some local forums) the T-8000 would benefit much with a good preamp. In fact even when I was trying out T-8000 with BYPASS on, connected to a DAC/AMP combo (burson conductor 3), there was some improvement already. That gives me a high expectation on what a good, decidated preamp can do to this amp!


Again thanks all!

Thank you all again!


I would like to share some of my experience with RP-7 and RP-9 last week too! Turns out a preamp does improve the sound a lot, compared to only T-8000. Especially with RP-9, my SR-009 was starting to sound like a little speaker and it felt so real! Resolution upgraded signifcantly, and dynamics improved as well. The sound is more laid back, and a little thinner (might be because of increase in resolution). As for sound signature, I have yet distinguished whether it was "warm" or "cold" (the dealer who was quite familiar with tubes actually said RP-9 was more tubey than RP-7🤔). RP-7 in comparison has less resolution and extension, and a "thicker and more rounded" sound. The dealer said that with some burn-in, RP-9 would sound sweeter and more dynamic. So I might go for another audition! (I was sitting there for 7 hours lol)


The friend who accompanied me (and likes IEM like Fitear 333), said the preamp took away the "musicality" of my setup, while I was still jamming to the instruments played by both preamps, even more so with RP-9.


That makes me wonder, what feelings should I get if a machine sounds musical/warmer and sweeter? I wonder whether I am blown away by the upgrade in quality (resolution, dynamics, extension, etc), or the sound signature (sweetness, passion, warmth). What do you guys think would hint at the sound signature of a machine?


Either way,  just want to share my experience and say adding a preamp did bring some changes to my setup!

@mulveling hope your ARC & T2 combo will bring good result! 

So I finally found a place to try VAC, though it only has Master preamp for demo...still want to try it! The Renaissance Mk V is priced at 13-14k (which is a bit out of my budget). Could you share more of your experience with VAC, espeically compared to RP-7 & RP-9?

@kennyc regarding Backert Labs, I emailed Andy a few days ago, and he told me about the 14 day refund (kinda) policy. That's one way to audition haha. And it turns out they will release Rhythm 1.4 soon. I am looking forward to what upgrades it brings


Also, what do you guys think about Accuphase? There's a shop which could import it's preamps at a rather low price (e.g. their latest flagship model at 17k). Heard it offers a sweet sound as well!