new to me turntable and preamp

Looking to upgrade my turntable and preamp, and I'm just barely dipping my toe into this hi-fi thing. Was looking at the Rega and Pro-ject tables for price and looks (no matte black please), but the more I read the more I'm not sure about that. I've seen some systemdek IIX around as well. Just dropped money on speakers so don't have an unlimited budget. My table now sounds like a squirel after 1 hour or so of play.

My current system (get ready to laugh)
Yamaha HTR 5540 receiver
Linn Keilidh speakers
Gemini XL-BD40 w/ ortofon OM S
Radio Shack Stereo Preamp

anyone have any thoughts??
I have read somewhere that a certain cartridge gives the Bellari a slight hum, I can't remember which one though. As long as the tube is good, and you should probably get a spare, and the table is properly grounded you should not have any problems with any hum. A friend has used the Bellari for years without any trouble with several different carts and It actually sounds very good.
Grado cartridges often hum a little bit (mine do but I still love the way they sound) even if the table is well grounded - apparently due to interaction with EMF around TT motor. Perhaps the Bellari accentuates this hum more than some other amps. I am not using a Bellari but ma friend absolutely loves his.
alright fellas, I should have everything up and running in about a week, so I'll let you know how everything turns out.
Hi Saw you bought records in Philly I live in Monroe co.
in the Pocono's and I have a NAD 1600 tuner preamp I would be willing to donate to your cause this has mm mc phono stage. I would like to recommend the Denon DL-103. There is one on Ebay for 155.00 in Germany at Williams stylus Don't know where you live but if your my way stop by and pickup the NAD
There you go, a tuner. a pre amp AND a phono stage and a good one at that! That is very generous Pumpkinman, you have restored my faith in humanity. If you can jump on that Denon DL 103 cart you will be in great shape. You'll have a real music maker. Let us know how it turns out.