New to I tunes

I have a Mac Mini set up as a music server and have loaded about 400 CD'S to a external hard drive in AIFF . My question is how do I keep all the library organized in alphabetic order by artist first or last name ? I have the box checked to keep library organized and the box checked about copy new albums to I tunes music folder when adding to library but I end up with for example Tori Amos all over not together some are together I have a bunch of her albums . My Grateful Dead is scattered all over not together some of the albums are together but not all ? I would think that under view - view options is where I do it but what do I check and uncheck to put all the albums by the same artist together ? Also will this organize Front row when I look at the album covers ? Thanks Marc

Showing 1 response by istanbulu

This is a good starting point. Lots of beginner's nitty gritty. I found it helpful when I began my iTunes' quest.