New to 'hi-end,' looking for budget CDP

I'm new to 'hi-end' stereo and need help for my small system. I have an NAD reciever 7240PE and JMLabs Chorus 705 bookshelf speakers. I want to replace my 10+ yr old SONY 5-disc player. I'm considering a used CAL Icon or Icon MkII, or a new/used Cambridge player. I'd like to stay in the $200 -350 range. Any thoughts that might help are appreciated.


Showing 1 response by argent

The CAL Icon is a good player. I used their bottom-o-the-barrel DX-1 for years before upgrading (still have it stored away actually). I think their players do a lot of things right with the sound. If money is a problem you might consider buying an "older" CD player right now that would serve you as a good transport for later. Then when you scrape up some more cash you can digital out (coax preferably) from the CD player into a high quality D/A converter. You can buy plenty of older players used where the D/A converter is obviously dated, but for a transport it is top notch. CAL is definitly a company to look at if you go that route also. Hope this helps.