New to Audiogon and have a question

Hi everyone. I have A Yamaha M60 that I bought in the 80s that I am reintroducing into my system to drive the stereo front speakers of my B&K 307AVR system. When I initially moved into a HT system, back in 2000, I bought the B&K along with a Sonus Faber surround ensemble comprised of 2 Concertos (front), 2 Concertinas (rear), and a Piccolo (center).
My previous speakers were vintage Polk SDA-1s, which I have since hooked back up to the new B&K (I intended to sell them and wanted to be sure they still worked). To my surprise, the polk's soundstage was amazing compared to the Sonus. At the time I purchased the Sonus I must have been smitten by the novelty of 5 channel sound because I can't believe I put these polks in the closet for 6 years.
But I digress, In the process of attaching the bananas to the M60, I broke off 2 of the 6 plastic speaker imputs. My questions are: 1. Can I have some rugged new binding posts put on the M60? 2. Is there a shop near my area (02724) that can bring the amp back up to spec and put the new posts on?
This amp in class A mode has a much better tone than the B&K alone. It's my understanding that the B&K has a class A pre in it. It seems to sing very nicely with the Yamaha.
I appreciate any comments or feedback. Having lurked here for a time, I've found you folks to be both extremely knowledgable and good hearted.
Thanks, John
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Showing 1 response by ghosthouse

Welshdra7 -
Interesting. I bought a Yamaha R1000 back in the 80s. Had it a long time driving Polk SDAIIs that I bought used (also back in the 80s). I shipped the Yamaha out for "refurbishment" intending to sell it after buying an integrated tube amp (JoLida 502B). If I can find the receipt I will let you know where I sent it. I just replaced the Polks with Totem Forests - BUT for what I paid and the years of enjoyment - the Polks are a real bargain and to my mind provide commendable performance. Will be selling them too in the near future.