new system for beginner

i am not terribly familar with hi quality stereo equipment. i am looking to build my first system though. i am mostly interested in buying used quality equipment. i do not have a lot of room to fill and i only listen to cds. i am wondering what the good brands are to with. speakers are the area of most concern and i haveno idea what to look for. if this is too novice of a thread i understand. my knowledge is limited and i have to start somewhere. thanks for any help.

Showing 1 response by tomthompson

My advice is run screaming in the other direction. Before you spend hours comparing descriptions of 12AU7s (vacuum tube) only spend $100/per for a 40yr. old device smaller than your thumb, Before spending the tiny gaps of time measured in days between perpetual upgrades second-guessing your last purchase. Before you decipher the acronym "SET" or - GASP! Shudder!, your immortal soul imperiled beyond salvation - "VTA"!!!
If you ain't afraid by now, you're too dumb to listen to mass-market crap and deserve what you get; a good hobby and great music.
Depending on your budget, your best bet may be any one of a number of integrated amps, a decent set of speakers and an inoffensive player. Then you can work your way into vinyl (i.e. real highend) and become a VTA guru.