New Synergistic Master Fuse

New From VH Audio,

Synergistic Master Fuse cost $595.00

I'll stick with Orange Fuses.


Showing 1 response by vze2r8xz

There are so many high end and very often super expensive fuses out now and it's so difficult to actually compare them unless you want to spend a boatload of money and then hope to sell the ones that don't synergize with one's system

You have the:

-Synergistic Research Master and Pink fuses.

-Telos Audio Design Quantum X2.

-Acme Audio CFC Silver Cryo fuses (cheap and effective).

-Audio Magic Masterpiece M2.

-Alan Maher Designs Fourier.

-The various QSA fuses up to their ultra expensive Gold fuse.

-The HiFi Tuning Supreme Diamond Silver fuse.

-Wilmer Red, Black, and Blue Knight fuses (cheaper than all but the Acmes).

-Verictum X and X2 fuses.


I'm probably forgetting some. All but the Acme and Wilmer Knight fuses cost over $100 each, the Alan Maher and Synergistic Pink $250, the Audio Magic M2 $300, The Synergistic Maser $600, and the QSA's up to several thousand dollars (there's no material beneficial to a fuse that should cost thousands even if you fill it with holey graphene, borophene, and 99.9% pure lab grade quartz). Imagine wanting to compare the lot of these then waiting to sell off the ones that didn't work as well.

At least Synergistic has a money back trial period, but I really wish they didn't have the "new more expensive fuse every year" model. I liked the Alan Maher $100 fuse from 4-5 years ago enough to upgrade to his Fourier fuse in a some items that could use it (two power conditioners) and aren't sensitive to creating blown fuses. I had an amp in my entertainment center setup that blew a fuse even connected to an Uninterruptable Power Supply, just because the power went out for a long enough time while it was on, so it's getting the Acme CFC silver cryo fuse and only that, can't afford anything more expensive.