New Stereophile recommended list

STEREOPHILE says it will disclose the reason why a component is deleted from the recommended list, but last year Class B Musical Fidelity A3 CDP disapears on this issue without any mention. Is it a political(fund raising?) kind of move?

Showing 1 response by a_e_watkins

The only similarity between Stereophile today and the orginal Stereophile that J. Gorden Holt published, is the name.

The magazine has gone through a series of degradations, which have included new ownerships, commercialism and John Atkinson. All of these events have added to the deterioration of the quality of the publication.

As for other publications 'Listener' is good read, but they have to keep the politics out of the pages. The new 'Attainable Audio' has posibilities but it is still early in the game; which leaves TAS as the best of the rest. While not perfect they are far superior to the rest that are now available.

Regard and good listening.