New Steely Dan; Great Music w/ Surgical Precision

Listening to the New Steely Dan release right now. Available at Borders for $12.99. It's very hard to compare with their other releases. It's almost like a compilation of "sounds" off their other albums. Great sonics. Great music.

Just so everyone knows, "Everything Must Go" is available on CD, DVD-A and, for the Steely Dan "collector", a limited edition 2 disc set with CD and 5.1 DVD.

New Steely Dan is always such a treat. Post your opinions of this new release.

Showing 1 response by jdombrow

Ever since "Aja", I've had a love/hate feeling about Steely Dan. Great musicians, excellent production, killer grooves, great rhythms, interesting lyrics (usually), incredible solos -- everything I love in music. But then they throw one of their sappy light jazz-pop choruses into almost every song, and it ruins the whole damn thing. Does anyone agree?