New Steely Dan; Great Music w/ Surgical Precision

Listening to the New Steely Dan release right now. Available at Borders for $12.99. It's very hard to compare with their other releases. It's almost like a compilation of "sounds" off their other albums. Great sonics. Great music.

Just so everyone knows, "Everything Must Go" is available on CD, DVD-A and, for the Steely Dan "collector", a limited edition 2 disc set with CD and 5.1 DVD.

New Steely Dan is always such a treat. Post your opinions of this new release.

Showing 1 response by ben_campbell

As a critic of 2AN I should be careful what I say after a couple of listens but.........
Ok I don't care too much for the overall groove-too precise as the doctor pointed out but if I'm not mistaken this new one seems a little bit looser,a little more less symetrical with a healthier dose of guitar solo's and a bit more vocal passion at times however it did take a while before I decided Jack Of Speed was the only great track on 2AN.... so I could be wrong but I'm enjoying it more than I expected,so far anyway .
The free DVD is a joke-usual Steely Dan smart arsism-get a few pretty girls who know nothing about your music in the back of a cab and show off yet again how ironic yet how human you can be---an equivalent would have been Page and Plant in a promo for heir new stuff complete with a plastic shark..................