New Speakers

I currently listen to a wonderful (but dated) Infinity RS-1B system that has given me some great enjoyment. Due ot a move to a smaller home (and therefore listening room...10 by 20) and some extra cash....I am now in search of updating the speakers. Hre is my question......taking to mind the stage, depth and bass of the RS 1's .... I paln to audion the following speakers.... Acarian Alon Circe Wilson Watt Puppy 6 Verity Parsifal Vandersteen 5 Horning Piega 10 Genesis 501 Egglesto Andra Sonus Faber (20k verson) What are your comments, dear amigos' and do you have any other suggestions.....I am trying to keep size to a minimum.

Showing 1 response by jtinn

The Watt Puppy 6s would be my suggestion. They are incredible in terms of imaging and detail. They are wonderfully musical and incredibly fast and accurate. They are also quite reasonably sized. The only other contender on your list would be the Sonus Faber Amati Homage.