Your 350 w.p.c. solid state muscle amp is certainly overkill when it comes to the De Capo speakers. I have owned 3 pairs of them, and currently own the Reference 3A Episodes, which use the same drivers. The De Capos have always sounded their best for me with simple tube amps, SET amps, and refined, medium to low power solid state amps like the small Pass Labs First Watt series. Great with Peter Daniels Patek gain clone amps too. The speakers should sound quite good in your small room, but if you enjoy powerful, deeper bass, you might want to consider the floorstanding Episodes. Both have fantastic clarity and extension in the highs, and a lively but slightly forward upper midrange.
New speaker consideration - De Capo MM
Hi all,
I am in the market for a new pair of speakers.
my budget is around $3000, and I am looking for bookshelf speakers.
Right now, my primary interest is the De Capo MM bookshelf speakers which is handmade in Canada.
My system is MC352 power amp, MC220 preamp, Chord Qutest DAC, Audioquest cable, my room is 13"x13"x8".
I would like to know the characteristic of the speakers (De Capo) , and whether or they will be the right choice for my stereo system.
I mainly like holographic soundstage and a good, clear mid-range with a lot of high frequency resolution without fatiguing.
I am in the market for a new pair of speakers.
my budget is around $3000, and I am looking for bookshelf speakers.
Right now, my primary interest is the De Capo MM bookshelf speakers which is handmade in Canada.
My system is MC352 power amp, MC220 preamp, Chord Qutest DAC, Audioquest cable, my room is 13"x13"x8".
I would like to know the characteristic of the speakers (De Capo) , and whether or they will be the right choice for my stereo system.
I mainly like holographic soundstage and a good, clear mid-range with a lot of high frequency resolution without fatiguing.