New Speaker advice

I'm torn on new speakers...thoguht I would canvass this forum, which I have much respect for. I have done extensive auditioning at hi-fi stores, and am still torn! I do however have it narrowed down to the following:

1. Revel f206

2. Revel f36

3. Focal Aria 936

4. MoFi Sourcepoint 10

Initially, I was all in on the Revels because of how well the measure, particularly off axis, since I have an open concept living room kitchen that is wide. So the majority of my in store demos focused on them exclusively. To my surprise, I actually preferred the cheaper f36 models to the f206, perhaps due to the 1.8kHz crossover  between the tweeter and the top woofer, which is quite low...or perhaps it's due to the slightly higher sensitivity...or maybe it was just paired with a better amp. But regardless, to my ears, the f36 was just a more fun and exciting listen than the f206 which felt a bit bland and boxed in by comparison, despite being the better 'measuring' speaker. 

Being confused by the Revels in this way, I started exploring the Focal Aria line, and really enjoyed the Aria 936. Compared to the Revels, it sounded more 'exciting' to my ears...more forward without being fatiguing, big open soundstage and really nice texture. 

Recently, I auditioned the Mofi Sourcepoint 10 because, like many, I wanted to see/hear what all the hype was about. I was suspicious, even with Andrew Jones as the designer, with it being Mofi's first foray into speaker design...but I was honestly kind of blown away by them. 

At the moment, I am tempted by the Sourcepoints, but they are pushing my budget at over 3,500K with stands. To that end, the Aria 936 can be found in great used condition for around $2,500 and the Revel f36 for even less still.

Just curious if anyone has heard all of these speakers and has any feedback / insight? Or recommend anything at a similar price point. Attributes I'm looking for are: Open, airy sound but not too bright, great midrange (priority), and good off axis response (horizontal).

Current set up for context:

Vandersteen 3A, powered by Audio Research D-300, Denon 4700 as preamp, Topping D90 DAC, Sota Comet TT with Rega Exact cart and Parasound JC3 Jr phono pre.



Showing 1 response by doyle3433

If you get a chance, may want to see if you can have a listen to a pair of Paradigm Founder series. I heard the F80 and really liked them. Up the series I believe there’s some powered low end options.

Also listened to some Golden Ear models. They were sure open and airy with nice mids.