New Sony NS999ES is in.

It's a day old so it should improve but---

The CD player is competent, on par or perhaps a bit supperior to the Adcom/MSB combo. The SACD is better but not by a whole lot. But it is better. A touch more detail, and depth, etc.

What it does do is make listening to digital not Sux.

Vinyl still hold a serious edge but the gap has closed.

Oddly with the Sony the bass seems better with the CD.
Cymbals and all the air are only slightly better than the CD, and the Sony is slightly better than the antique Adcom, and newly improved MSB link.

So if your wondering about making the plunge, I say save your money for something else.

Will I buy SACD's in the future, you bet, will I replace existing recordings I already own, no way.

BTW I haven't yet done the 5.1 with it. That will come after Christmas.

cheers and Merry Christmas to all

I've been wondering how the NS999ES sounds compared to some of the older models. Do you know if it would be much of an upgrade from the SCD777ES?

Ben,I suppose with a name like Campbell you'd have to live in Scotland! I'm just kidding!

If decide to tour our humble land I'd be glad to have you over. Although I'd have to a agree with Albert about the beer. I think the Germans do a better job than we do.

We do have several microbreweries in town. They should be able to keep you busy for a while.
Ben - drop by one of her Majesty's former colonies where you can get a decent beer this side of the Atlantic he says as he zips up his asbestos suit...
at home and i own s9000es.

i can tell that their SACD is very similar.
perhaps 777es has better bass.

on CDs there is a very big gap in favour of 777es.

still it sounds "mechanical".