New Sony HAP-Z1ES Firmware Out Today

I installed the newest firmware today and was pleasantly surprised that the player now supports an external DAC via the USB connection. It now does DSD over USB2 and there is a provision to turn it on/off. I played a couple of different artists and the player seems to work perfectly with the iPad remote.  Here is the skinny, direct from Sony:

This firmware upgrade (version 18033R) provides the following improvements over version 17384R:

  • Adds support for the Media Server function
  • Adds support for the USB digital output function (USB hub support for connecting each of one HDD drive, one CD drive, and one USB DAC)
  • Adds support for Seek operations
  • Adds support for the Fade In/Out function
  • Adds the Go to genre/artist/album/folder function to the Options menu
  • Adds the following operations:
    • Queuing the track next to the one currently playing, and queuing the track last
    • Deleting the track from the play queue
    • Creating a playlist with the play queue
    • Deleting the playlist
    • Deleting the track from the playlist
    • Deleting the information of a disconnected external hard disk drive


Showing 2 responses by yu8114

I bought the same unit on 12/16/2013, almost immediately after the first release. I loaded on the entire 1 TB with music. I did not use the unit for long time until the firmware upgrad so that I can use external DAC. 

For your question #1: I had the exactly same issue. I have tried few power red USB hub with no success. Finally, I tried passive, no wire USB hub $2.99). It worked since then. 

For your question #2: I am having the exactly same problem after the 2/28/2017 firmware update, prior to that, everything was prefect. After the update, I can not output PCM from USB output, no matter what I do. It will always output DSD with 512 with no sound, but noise. I have tried few DACs without success, one of my DACs shows 512, no sound but noise. All DACs failed play. 

Analog (RCA) output plays fine. However, my DACs are lot better than Sony's DAC. 

Do you need to send your player to Sony in order to rollback to the previous version? If you don't, how do we rollback to the previous version? thanks