New Sony HAP-Z1ES Firmware Out Today

I installed the newest firmware today and was pleasantly surprised that the player now supports an external DAC via the USB connection. It now does DSD over USB2 and there is a provision to turn it on/off. I played a couple of different artists and the player seems to work perfectly with the iPad remote.  Here is the skinny, direct from Sony:

This firmware upgrade (version 18033R) provides the following improvements over version 17384R:

  • Adds support for the Media Server function
  • Adds support for the USB digital output function (USB hub support for connecting each of one HDD drive, one CD drive, and one USB DAC)
  • Adds support for Seek operations
  • Adds support for the Fade In/Out function
  • Adds the Go to genre/artist/album/folder function to the Options menu
  • Adds the following operations:
    • Queuing the track next to the one currently playing, and queuing the track last
    • Deleting the track from the play queue
    • Creating a playlist with the play queue
    • Deleting the playlist
    • Deleting the track from the playlist
    • Deleting the information of a disconnected external hard disk drive


Showing 2 responses by davehg

Downloaded and updated to the new software today. Not using a USB DAC, just balanced out to a headphone amp (Woo WA22) and using the headphone in balanced mode.

I would swear the HAPZ1ES sounds smoother, more detailed, and a tad warmer than before, and less dry or clinical. Not having a chance to A/B. I did listen to a few cuts, then updated, then listened those cuts again. Much prefer the new version.

If they don't end up supporting Tidal, hopefully Spotify will launch and Sony HAP will support Hi Rez. I'd really like to simply down to one device for all digital music needs.
@sfseay Do you use a streaming service like Tidal via your Auralic Vega? If so, do you have a music streaming device or just your PC? 

My goal would be to have my Sony HAPZ1 handle the purchased tunes, and somehow interface with Tidal to enable streaming playback. Then I could decide to upgrade with a USB DAC if later desired. Since Spotify hasn't upgraded to high res, I still have to use two devices (the Sony and a separate setup to stream music).