New sonus faber Cremona M version


Saw that sonus faber has made a new version of the cremona called the cremona M.

Have enybody heard thise .

Hi pinkus regardin cables lets just put it this way i have been down that road and spend a redicuasly amout off money .
one day i put my trusty old unterminated taralabs solid cobber cabels just to see how worse the where and i actually preferred them to the expensiv ones.

Sorry for my limited english skills im a dane i thourgt lean meant bright ann egdy.

Regarding klimax amps is a done deal for some reason i ge thardbeating and gooesspots all over every time i listen to them in other wrds i love the sound.
And i have listend to ALOT of gear through the years but never nagra.

maybe in a couple of years IF i will get tired of the klimax amps then i maybe should take a good listen to the nagra gear i have heard great things not just from you .

but again with klimax amps the source is very important and its here the sound is make or brake .
linn will soon put out a replacment for the sondek cd12 wich used hardisk play back this player is on top of my list when it comes out .


Take a look at the Cremona M in all its glory! I wonder if a new Cremona Auditor is coming out...

From what i was told the intire SF cremona line is going out of production and the new M models is taking over.

It sure looks great.

I have done alot of speculation regarding the new models.

Now from what i understand the new m models uses better drivers there for it it should be better .

Im from denmark the home of Vifa, Scanspeak, peerleees ,Dynaudio , Skaaning/ audio Technologies , gamut and so on
The general oppinion is that is not the drivers that makes the magic its the designers craftmanship you will hear.

besides that
The org cremona uses all scanspeak revelator units wich are from the top shelf of scanspeak
thise hand sliced units are scanspeaks absolut best units Today and are much superior and cost more the the units in the amati homage.

The cremona dossnet use the scanspeak tweeter but the vifa xt25 .
Many here in denmark including me thinks that the vifa tweeter sounds more smooth then the Scanspeak version.

The org cremona toke 3 years to developed and it was franco serblin at his peak that designed it.

The new M version cant have taken that much time to develop.

Maybe it is indeed better but i have heard birds singing about sonus faber wandting to make money now thats why the come with new speakers all the time and why the dont spend much time on developing new speakers

I hope im wrong
you may not use English fluently but you describing things that's well understood. Maybe the original Cremona is best for you in an offer price but wait to hear the new one to be sure. As for the development in Cremona it was a big success and made a new one not by scratch but elevating it to higher standards. But let's hear it first.

Since you're Dane what Danes say about the new Gryphon Mirage? is it much better than Sonata Allegro or not?
It seems you Danes make some of the best audio gear in the world!
